Thursday, April 30, 2009

Introduction – In The Voice, by Thomas Hardy, Hardy uses elemental imagery, repetition, and metaphysical ideas to reinforce the notion that he has lost his lover. This is seen throughout the poem in the way that he is constantly using diction that implies that she is gone, such as “missed and were,” the poem is also in past tenths. Hardy also alludes to her absence by using the metaphysical idea that her voice is the.

Body – 1. In The Voice, Hardy utilizes elemental imagery to voice his longing to be reunited with his past lover. This is seen in the way that he repeatedly mistakes the wind to be his lost lover.

2. Thomas Hardy also uses repetition to emphasize the longing that the narrator has for his love. For example in the first line when he repeats, “call to me” twice.
This technique helps drive into the reader that he misses the way his love used to be.

3. In addition, Hardy includes metaphysical elements to aid the reader in realizing the earning that he has for this woman. As seen in the abstract idea that the wind could be his lovers voice calling to him.

Conclusion – As you can see, in The Voice, Hardy uses elemental imagery, metaphysical ideas and repetition to fortify the idea that the narrator yearns to be reunited with his previous lover

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