Sunday, October 26, 2008

how did lovborgs death really go down??!?!?!!?

what actually happened when lovborg died? i find this very interesting because Ibsen leaves this as a gray area. did lovborg actually kill himself? or did some one else kill him. personlly i believe that it was either the madam, or it was a struggle and he was killed when someone pulled the trigger. either way we will never know. however it is entirely possible that it coould have been himself going down there and making a seen out of his suicide. i just find this hard to believe because when people commit suicide it is usually a personal affair because you have nothing left.

im curious to see what you guys think.
plz respond with your thoughts


the end of hedda gabler is full of death, resolution, and the trade off of roles. for example hedda dies, aunt rina dies and lovborg dies. the end of the play is marked when lovborg dies, this is when things start falling appart. hedda becomes distraught especially when judge brack tries to black mail her underneath his controlled. the rolution is seen in the way that everything comes to a close, every one dies, and other characters take their places. this is seen in the way that after lovborg dies Tesman slides into his place with Thea and starts writing lovborgs book. also, after George rotates over to thea, brack slides into georges postion and tries to be with hedda, which was going to work until she killed herself.


Thea is an interesting character!!!! she is characterized as being a meek but passionate woman. this brings me to question her relationship with her husband. because of her inability to say "no" (she gives in easily). i believe that she was convinced into her marriage with her husband, which turned out to be an unhappy one. on the other hand her passion led her to run away from home and follow her true love, Lovborg. thea seems to arouse jelousy in Hedda. i believe this is because thea has control over eilert, which hedda desires to have, also thea can be seen as more attractive than hedda. for example hedda has thin brown hair and thea has thick blonde hair.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

judge brack

judge brack is kind of a creepy character. he isnt in a relationship but he tries to make a love triangle with hedda and george, but mostly to get with get with hedda. this is troublesome seeing as he is supposed to be georges friend and he is trying to have a connection with hedda.
another character trait that judge brack has is his struggle for control. he is constantly being seen fighting for power and he finally gets it when he finds out that hedda gave lovborg the pistol and uses that information to potentially blackmail hedda until she kills herself to escape his control and the rest of the problems present in her life.

hedda gabler - themes

since reading all of hedda gabler, i cant help but notice that there has been an overwhelming presence of betrayal. for example, when hedda flirts with other men behind george tesmans back and when she reveals thea's true fears regarding lovborg and even when she burns lovborgs manuscript to end the connection between thea and lovborg in hopes that she could get close to lovborg once again.
also the way that judge brack blackmails hedda under his control using the pistol that she gave lovborg as his instrument.

aunt julie

auntie julie seems to be a very caring and loving aunt that looks after george.
she only seems to be looking out for georges and aunt rinas interests, she isnt even concerned with herself. even when hedda makes passive aggressive attacks on her about her hat and what not, she still takes it in stride because she nows hedda is with george and she wants george to be happy.
also, she continually looks after aunt rina, and when she dies she considers taking in an invalid because she likes to look after others and take care of them.

george and his love?

does george tesman really love hedda gabler?
personally i dont think that he does. true, he worships her and waits on her every word but he simply doesnt show any feeling towards her exept his constant naive excitement.
i think george is simply too involved with his work and his aunts to really care for hedda.
also, george is constantly leaving hedda alone in the house and trying to get other men to spend time with her like brack. even after lovborg dies he looks to spend more time with mrs. elvsted than with hedda; and when she dies he isnt even sad, he is more rapped up in the thought of suicide than he is with hedda being dead.


lovborg is everything george wants to be. lovborg is smart and a talented writer. from what i can deduce, lovborg and hedda used to be in a relationship when they were younger but over time they were drawn appart. since lovborg returned he has stirred up alot of controversy. for example, george was worried he was going to lose his job offer, brack thought he was going to be cut out of the triangle, and hedda has been reminising with him.
i believe that lovborg is a smart well intentioned man that gets caught up with hedda and her games and ends up a victim.


the character hedda in hedda gabler is not in love with george tesman what so ever!!!!!
she seems to display absolutly no interest in him at all. i think the only reason she is with him is because of his reputation and the fact that he can take care of her and he is supposed to become famous in the near future because of his job. hedda shows more interest in loborg and even brack than she does her own husband.
supporting evidence for this is the fact that she commits suicide after lovborg dies.